We are on day 5 (?) of rain here on the farm. Honestly, I've lost count. But here in eastern NC we've had a very, very wet week, and now a cold front moves in and soaks us even more, and Hurricane Joaquin and his rain will immediately follow in the next couple of days.
That's a lot of water, folks.
We've prepared as much as we could but flooding is just going to happen. And is happening. There's nowhere for all of this rain to go when the ground is already completely saturated.
We've got minor flooding in the barn this morning, which we expected, and we also expect that to get worse. It's pretty much just the back end of the barn but it still makes us be creative in caring for the animals and making sure they are doing well.
The goat buck pen behind the barn is flooding some too so we moved Tick and his current lady friend Sage into the horse trailer to give them a dry place to hang out. They are quite content with a hay buffet in there and not having to get their feet wet. The rest of the goat herd is in the barn, staying dry, munching on hay. Luckily their big stall doesn't flood.
I kicked the horses out of the barn for a few hours to stretch their legs. Rain or no rain, having elderly horses stand still too long in their stalls isn't a good thing in my book. And they don't really mind the rain, honestly.
As for us, we are hanging out inside doing inside work stuff. I have a full day of boxing and labeling soaps ahead of me, The Boy is doing work stuff as well, and the dogs are snoozing away. Hopefully this mess will dry up soon, otherwise we may have to pull out the kayak in order to do farm chores. :)
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